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Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 Tahun 2022 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 Tahun 2022 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban – Sebelumnya admin berbagi Soal PAT/UKK PRAKARYA Kelas 7 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban, berkaitan hal itu admin menindaklanjutinya dengan berbagi kembali Soal PAT/UKK BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs  Kurikulum 2013, berikut informasi selengkapnya :

Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT/UKK) yang akan sebentar lagi dilaksanakan tentunya Bapak/Ibu Guru sedang memerlukan referensi Soal-soal Penilaian Akhir Tahun untuk dijadikan bahan ujian bagi anak didiknya, terutama pada saat akan menyusun dan membuat soal tes ujian Penilaian Akhir Tahun untuk Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Kurikulum 2013.

Surat Edaran yang di publikasikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) bahwa soal PAT/UKK Kurikulum 2013 harus memenuhi ketentuan standar soal terbaru dan harus sudah terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). Oleh karena itu sengaja admin berbagi Soal PAT/UKK dalam rangka membantu semua rekan-rekan guru, langsung saja untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan simak sedikit penjelasan berikut ini.

Setiap Sekolah wajib melakukan perencanaan dan proses pembelajaran, selain itu juga perlu melakukan penilaian hasil pembelajaran sebagai usaha terlaksananya proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien serta kondusif.

Salah satu bentuk penilaian tersebut adalah Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT/UKK). Penilaian Akhir Tahun adalah salah satu bentuk evaluasi belajar yang materi soalnya diambilkan dari materi dalam 2 semester.

Penilaian Akhir Tahun menjadi salah satu penilaian hasil belajar selain bentuk penilaian lainnya, seperti Penilaian Ulangan Harian, Penilaian Tengah Semester, dan Penilaian Akhir Semester.

Tujuan Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT/UKK) secara umum merupakan untuk menilai pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik selama satu tahun dan hasilnya dijadikan sebagai salah satu bahan penyusunan laporan kemajuan belajar.

Tujuan pelaksanaan Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT/UKK)

Tujuan pelaksanaan Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT/UKK) secara khusus ialah sebagai berikut ini :

  1. Memperbaiki proses pembelajaran yang sudah berlangsung selama satu tahun.
  2. Mengetahui kemajuan dan hasil belajar peserta didik selama satu tahun.
  3. Mendiagnosa kesulitan belajar peserta didik.
  4. Memotivasi peserta didik dalam melakukan perbaikan hasil belajar.
  5. Mendeteksi kebutuhan remedial dan pengayaan peserta didik.

Fungsi Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT/UKK).

Dibawah ini merupakan beberapa fungsi dari pelaksanaan Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT/UKK) :

  1. Sebagai salah satu bahan pertimbangan dalam menentukan kenaikan kelas.
  2. Sebagai umpan balik dalam perbaikan proses pembelajaran.
  3. Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik.
  4. Sebagai evaluasi diri terhadap kinerja peserta didik.

Materi soal Penilaian Akhir Tahun ini diambilkan dari kisi-kisi B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs Kurikulum 2013. Soal berbentuk pilihan ganda (PG) dengan 4 (empat) opsi jawaban dengan rincian pilihan jawaban A, B, C atau D, dengan total pertanyaan 45 soal.

Berikut admin tulis Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13  sebagai contoh saja, dan untuk rekan-rekan yang membutuhkan silahkan download File-nya pada akhir postingan ini

TAHUN PELAJARAN 20 . . / 20 . .


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP
Kelas/Semester : VIII / Genap
Hari dan Tanggal :
Waktu                 : 120 Menit

Petunjuk Umum :
  1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
  2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
  3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang;
  4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
  5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban;
  6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula dengan penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar;
  7. Periksalah seluruh jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C atau D di depan jawaban yang benar !

Text for number 1 - 5

Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

1. How often does Rena practice the dance?Text for number 1 - 5
A. Once a week
B. Twice a week
C. Three times a week
D. Four times a week

2. What does Rena’s do on Saturday morning?
A. she goes to the cinema
B. she goes to an English course
C. she visits the library
D. she goes to swimming pool

3. When is Rena off school?
A. on Fridays
B. on Fridays and Saturdays
C. on Saturdays and Sundays
D. every day

4. When does Rena visit the library?
A. on Thursday afternoon
B. on Thursday morning
C. on Monday afternoon
D. on Monday morning

5. On Friday Rena . . . .
A. visits the library
B. goes to her English course
C. goes to the swimming pool
D. goes home earlier from school

6. Firman . . . studies in the evening. He does it after dinner everyday.
A. sometimes
B. always
C. rarely
D. never

7. Susi always ..... dinner everyday. She likes cooking very much.
A. Make
B. Made
C. Makes
D. Making

8. My father doesn’t .... coffee every morning
A. To drink
B. Drink
C. Drinks
D. Drinking

Text for no 9-12

It’s nice Sunday morning. Hasan’s family are doing separate activities. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan are on their bicycles. They are going to the market groceries. Rama the oldest son. is playing guitar in the backyard. The twin daughters. Ami and Irma are reading a book together in the backyard at the same place the youngest daughter Mona. Is drinking a glass of milk.

9.What is Mr. and Mrs. hasan doing?
A. They are on their bike
B. They are going to the market
C. They are doing anything
D. They are keeping their child’s
10. What is the twin doing?
A. they are going to the market
B. they are playing guitar
C. they are reading a book together
D. they are drinking a glass of milk

11. Who is playing a guitar?
A. Hasan’s family
B. Mona’s Brother
C. Mona’s Sister
D. Mona’s parent

12. They are going to the market.
The underlined word is refers to . . . .
A. Rama and Mora
B. Ami and Ima
C. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan
D. Hasan’s family

13. The girls . .  .about the new library in the school
A. talks
B. talking
C. is talking
D. are talking
14. Indah : who . . .  beside Mr. Steward?
Rino : Mr. Rudi, in the new teacher. 
A. is sitting
B. sitting is
C. are sitting
D. sitting are

Picture for no 15-18

Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

10 years old
Height : 150 cm

15 years old
Height : 166 cm

12 years old
Height :160 cm

14 years old
Height : 167 cm

15. Tomi is . . . than Sisca
A. younger
B. shorter
C. older
D. old

16. Anita is . . . than Adi
A. shorter
B. taller
C. older
D. tall

17. Adi is the . . . of all.
A. youngest
B. shortest
C. eldest
D. young

18. Sisca is the . . . of all.
A. shortest
B. tallest
C. eldest
D. short

19. hope tomorrow will be ...... than tomorrow
A. Well
B. Better
C. Best
D. Good

20. Ten years ago, I . . .only a baby
A. is
B. am
C. was
D. were

21. Dodi and I . . . in the garden
A. is
B. am
C. was
D. were

22. I’m sure I .... him two years ago
A. See
B. Saw
C. Have seen
D. am seeing

A : were you at the beach last weekend?
B : No, I _____

A. was
B. wasn’t
C. were
D. weren’t

Dialogue for no 24-25

Susan : Where were you at 10.00? I came to your class but you weren’t there.
Desi : When you (24) … to my class, I was (25) … my teacher carrying students book to the teacher at 10.00.

24. A. Come    B. came    C. coming    D. has coming

25. A. Help     B. helped    C. helping    D. have helping

Text for no 26-30

On Wednesday my student and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Lestari Hotel which is net far from Malioboro.
On Thursday we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples.
They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temples is being renovated.

On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We Spend about two hours there. After that we went to Borobudur temple. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide.
We arrived there at 3 pm. In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

26. The text above mainly discusses about . . . .
A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
D. the writer’s impression about Borobudur

27. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. to inform about Yogyakarta
B. to inform about Hotel in Yogyakarta
C. to tell beautiful place in Yogyakarta
D. to tell the writer’s experience in Yogyakarta

28. We arrived there at 3 pm (paragraph 3)
The underline word is refers to . . . .
A. Yogya Kraton
B. friendly guide
C. Borobudur temple
D. Jakarta

29. When did they go home?
A. on Friday evening
B. on Friday afternoon
C. on Friday morning
D. on Saturday morning

30. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?
A. because there was no Wisnu temple
B. because Wisnu temple was to small
C. because Wisnu temple was being repaired
D. because Wisnu temple was being destroyed

Text for no 31-32



31. What should we do after reading the notice ?
A. Keep the toilet clean
B. The toilet is being repaired
C. Use another toilet
D. Don’t use the toilet

32. Where do you probably find the notice ?
A. In the classroom
B. In the park
C. In the rest room
D. In the office room
Text for no 33-35


33. What does this notice means? It’s means that....
A. It is dangerous to swim in this area
B. The visitors can swim in this area
C. The beach safe for children
D. The children forbidden to swim

34. Where do you probably find this notice ?
A. At the swimming pool
B. On the river bank
C. At the lake
D. On the beach

35. The word “FORBIDDEN” is closet meaning to ...
A. Advised
B. Told
C. Banned
D. Suggested

Text for no 36-37

Prima Swimming Pool accepts no responsibility for any loss of or damage to your property. Please do not leave any valuable unattended.

36. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To remind visitors about lost property
B. To ask visitors to keep their belongings safe
C. To ask visitors to leave the swimming pool
D. To inform visitors about their property

37. Who has probably written the notice? 
A. Visitors who have lost their property in Prima
B. Prima swimming pool management
C. Prima swimming pool fans club
D. Visitors to the swimming pool

Text for 38-40

one direction

You gotta help me, I’m losing my mind
Keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind
Thought we were going strong
I thought were holding on
Aren’t we?
No they don’t  teach you this in school
Now my heart’s breaking and I don’t know what to do
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren’t we?
You and me got a whole lots of  history
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lots of history
So don’t let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever

38. What is the title of the song?
A. The Strong man
B. Song of Friends
C. story
D. One direction

39. Who is sing a song ?
A. Bruno Mars
B. One Direction
C. Westlife
D. Boys2men

40. What is the song tells about?
A. It’s about The story of friendship
B. It’s about the strong man
C. It’s about helping people
D. It’s about how to make history


41. Look at the picture, please Tell me Nina’s daily activities!

Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

a.  ...........................................................
b. .............................................................
c. .............................................................
d. ..............................................................

42. Look at the picture, tell me what is Zaenal’s family doing?

Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

a.  Mr. Zaenal ............................... ........., while
    Mrs Zaenal .........................................
b. Nina and Andre .................................

43. What does the notice mean?
Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Soal PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs K-13 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

44. Read the data below!
GP Racer         Speed
Valentino Rossi’s motorcycle 250 km/h
Marquez’s motorcycle         225 km/h
Pedrosa’s motorcycle         200 km/h

Make a comparative sentence based on the data above!
a. Comparative degree : ............................................................................
b. Superlative degree : ............................................................................

45. Make a short paragraph (at least 4 sentences) to tell about your past event!

Bagi rekan-rekan guru yang membutuhkan File-nya silahkan Download soal dan kunci jawaban PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs Kurikulum 2013 pada link berikut ini :

Catatan : Apabila terdapat ketidaksesuaian pada contoh soal-soal PAT/UKK diatas, silahkan sesuaikan dengan kebijakan sekolahnya masing-masing. Karena soal ini hanyalah sebuah referensi dari admin untuk yang membutuhkannya.

Demikian yang dapat admin sampaikan terkait Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PAT/UKK B INGGRIS Kelas 8 SMP/MTs  Kurikulum 2013, semoga bermanfaat . . .*)

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