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Soal & Jawaban PTS/UTS B INGGRIS Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Soal & Jawaban PTS/UTS B INGGRIS Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Soal PTS/UTS BAHASA INGGRIS Kelas 10 Semester 2 SMA/SMK Beserta Jawaban
 – Pada postingan sebelumnya admin sudah berbagi informasi tentang Soal & Jawaban PTS/UTS EKONOMI Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013, pada kesempatan yang baik ini admin kembali mengupdate informasi yang berkaitan dengan Soal Penilaian Tengah Semester atau Ulangan Tengah Semester (PTS/UTS) SMA/SMK/MA semester genap berdasarkan Mata Pelajaran B INGGRIS, berikut informasi selengkapnya :

Dengan semakin dekatnya Penilaian tengah semester (PTS) yang akan sebentar lagi dilaksanakan tentunya Bapak/Ibu Guru sedang memerlukan Soal-soal PTS untuk dijadikan bahan ujian pada anak didiknya, terutama pada saat akan menyusun dan membuat soal tes ujian Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap, Soal PTS/UTS untuk Kelas 10 Semester 2 beserta kunci jawabannya akan admin bagikan pada akhir postingan.

Surat Edaran yang baru-baru ini di publikasikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) bahwa soal PTS Kurikulum 2013 harus memenuhi ketentuan standar soal terbaru dan harus sudah terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). Oleh karena itu sengaja admin berbagi Soal PTS dalam rangka mempermudah semua rekan-rekan guru.

Oke langsung saja untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan simak contoh soal Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap yang admin tuliskan berikut ini dari nomor 1 - 20 sebagai contoh saja dan file selengkapnya dapat di unduh pada akhir postingan:

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D or E !!!

The following text is for number 1-4.

One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on night bus. When arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of coffee, but my friend didn’t. He went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few minutes to pray, but went I came out again the bus was not there. It had gone! Shocked and confused. I asked the shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had departed about five minutes ago.
I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low. I couldn’t do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! Got on the bus and walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the looked at me. I could feel my face turned red.
I asked my friend why she didn’t tell the driver that I was still outside. “I did, I told him several times that you were outside, but he said that you were in the bus toilet because he saw a man going into the toilet,” my friend replied, laughing. The other passengers smiled at me. I was so embarrassed.

1. What did the story tell us about?
  • a. The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Bandung
  • b. The writer arrived in Cianjur to visit his relatives
  • c. The writer could contact his friend with the cell phone
  • d. the writer got off the bus to get a cup a coffee
  • e. The writer and his friend enjoyed their trip to Bandung
2. What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Cianjur?
  • a. Drink a cup of coffee and prayed
  • b. Bought souvenir and went to the toilet
  • c. Drank a cup of coffee
  • d. Drunk a cup of milk and bought souvenir
  • e. Drunk a cup of coffee and went to the toilet
3. Why couldn’t the writer call his friend?
  • a. He didn’t bring his cell phone
  • b. The battery was running low
  • c. The writer’s cell phone was stolen
  • d. The writer’s cell phone was broken
  • e. There was not any signal in his cell phone
4. How did the writer feel?
  • a. He felt happy
  • b. He felt awful
  • c. He felt sad
  • d. He felt angry
  • e. He felt shy

The following text is for number 5-9

We were moving house and dad asked me to help him sort out all the boxes in the storeroom. I hadn’t been in the storeroom for aged and wondered what we would find. One wall was line with shelves, stacked with boxes almost to the ceiling there where many other wrapped up objects of different shafts and sizes. Dad opened the boxes and rummage through them. I moved over to a wooden box and was just about to lift the lid when it toppled over. Everything fell out into a heap.
Be careful!’ shouted dad, There may be something fragile in there
Then I saw it! My heart began to pound and many knees began to shake. It was a rubber ring. It had belonged to my beloved dog. Tessie. She died two years ago.
I was only four when we got Tessie. I chose her from among other puppies. She was my best friend. Although she had a basket in the kitchen she would creep up to my room at night and sleep in the bottom of the bed. If I was cold she would snuggle up next to me.
Tessie could do anything. She could beg and sit and shake a paw. I taught her to fetch things. One Christmas, I bought her rubber ring. I wrapped it up in shiny paper and place it under Christmas tree. She played with it every day. Tessie would wait at the front door went she knew it was time for me to come home from school. She would howl the painting with the rubber ring in front of her. If didn’t play, she would howl and wouldn’t stop until did. In the weekend we would take the ring to the playground and play four hours and hours until neither of us could run anymore.
Then one day Tessie fell ill. She didn’t wait for me by the front door anymore and she didn’t want to play with the ring. I tried to encourage her, “Come on, Tessie. Come and play.”
Seemed out of breath she couldn’t walk very well and she wasn’t eating properly. Mum and I took her to the vet. The vet shook her head and told us that Tessie was really sick.
There, nothing they can do for her, ‘mum whispered to me.
I went to the room where Tessie was waiting and said my goodbyes I felt her warm fur for the last time on my face and then I ran outside and cried…..
“What’s the matter, son?” asked Dad.
He put an arm around my shoulder. We all miss her, ‘said Dad sadly, ‘She was a good dog, a really good dog. I nodded and put the ring hack in the box.

5. What kind of the text is that?
  • a. Recount
  • b. Narrative
  • c. Procedure
  • d. Report
  • e. News item
6. What is the generic structure of the text?
  • a. Orientation > Event > Re-orientation
  • b. Orientation > Evaluation > Complication > Resolution > Re-orientation
  • c. Goal > Material > Step
  • d. Newsworthy event > Background event > Source
  • e. Orientation > Event > Complication
7. What is the form of the text?
  • a. Diary
  • b. Personal recount
  • c. Letters
  • d. Factual recount
  • e. Imaginative recount
8. What caused the boy had the flashback?
  • a. He was moving house
  • b. He found a rubber ring
  • c. He found a dog
  • d. He found Christmas tree
  • e. He met a vet
9. Which statement is true based on the text?
  • a. the writer was moving home
  • b. the writer bought Tessie a rubber ring
  • c. Tessie had an accident
  • d. Tessie was the writer’s best friend
  • e. Tessie died two years ago
10. The organization of the text above is….
  • a. Goal, Material, Steps.
  • b. Identification, Description
  • c. Newsworthy event, Background Event, Sources
  • d. Orientation, Crisis, Reaction, Coda, Reflection
  • e. Orientation, Evaluation, Complication, Resolution, Reorientation

The following text is for number 11-15.

Barbecue in the park
Last Sunday, my friend and I went to the park because David’s family invited us a barbecue party in the park. We lived nearby so we just walked there.
When we got to the park, there were not many people. David’s family was already there. They arrived there early to get the best picnic spot with an electronic barbecue grill nearby. When we arrived, they were cleaning the barbecue. After making sure the barbecue was clean, they turned the barbecue on by pushing the button. The electric stove turned on and the metal plate became hot.
David’s mother put some cooking oil on the metal plate, and after that she put some sausages, beef steaks, and some onions on the barbecue. Meanwhile, David’s father was preparing the bread, butter and the drinks.
While waiting for the meat to cook, David and I joined other boys playing football. When we got tired, we stopped and enjoyed the sausages, steaks, and some cold soft drinks.
The food was delicious. I think David’s mother is one of the best chef in the world.

11. When did the writer have a picnic?
  • a. Last Sunday
  • b. Last Saturday
  • c. Last Friday
  • d. Last Wednesday
  • e. Last Monday
12. Who invited the writer to the park?
  • a. Brandon
  • b. Alex
  • c. David
  • d. Kumar
  • e. Neni
13. What tense do we find mostly in the text above?
  • a. Present tense
  • b. Past tense
  • c. Perfect tense
  • d. Future tense
  • e. Adverbial tense
14. What did the writer and his friends do while they are waiting for the cook?
  • a. Played football
  • b. Slept
  • c. Read
  • d. Studied
  • e. Climbed a tree
15. What is the purpose of the text?
  • a. Retell the picnic experience
  • b. To amuse the reader about the legend of picnic
  • c. To urge people the importance of picnic
  • d. To discuss the positive and negative side of picnic
  • e. 

The following text is for number 16-20

Holiday in Jakarta
Last holiday, I went to my brother’s home in Jakarta. I went to Jakarta with my father. We went to Jakarta city by the train. Jakarta it was very interesting, but the atmosphere was too hot for me.
A few days later, my brother and I went to the zoo in Jakarta. We went to be zoo by taxi. The zoo was very crowded. There were many traders. After bought the ticket, we went to see the animal in the zoo.
First, I saw many pelican birds. They were very hungry, so the zoo keeper fed the bird. Then I saw many deer eaten many hay. In the same cage, I saw ostrich. It was very big. It couldn’t fly but could run very fast. Its stomach was very big too. After that, we went to take the boat which was pictured with the image of goose.
Before went back home, we bought some drink and food. We rested in a restroom. I was very happy it this holiday. I hoped the next holiday would be good too.
16. Where did the writer go?
  • a. Surabaya
  • b. Semarang
  • c. Bandung
  • d. Surakarta
  • e. Jakarta
17. How did the writer go in vacations?
  • a. By foot
  • b. By motorcycle
  • c. By train
  • d. By car
  • e. By cart
18. How did the writer go to the zoo?
  • a. By train
  • b. By cart
  • c. By foot
  • d. By taxi
  • e. By motorcycle
19. What did the writer do before went home?
  • a. Slept in the zoo
  • b. Argued with his father
  • c. Bought food and drink
  • d. Went around
  • e. Watched the movie
20. What kind of the text is that?
  • a. Narrative text
  • b. Recount text
  • c. Discussion text
  • d. Hortatory exposition
  • e. Analytical exposition

Bagi Bapak dan Ibu Guru yang membutuhkan Soal Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap Kelas 10 Beserta Kunci Jawaban, silahkan unduh File-nya melalui link dibawah ini :

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