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Soal & Jawaban PTS/UTS B INGGRIS Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Soal & Jawaban PTS/UTS B INGGRIS Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Soal & Jawaban PTS/UTS B INGGRIS Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013
 – Pada postingan sebelumnya admin sudah berbagi informasi tentang 
Soal PTS/UTS B INDONESIA Kelas 8 Semester 2 SMP/MTs Beserta Jawaban, pada kesempatan yang baik ini admin kembali mengupdate informasi yang berkaitan dengan Soal Penilaian Tengah Semester atau Ulangan Tengah Semester (PTS/UTS) SMP/MTs semester genap berdasarkan Mata Pelajaran Bahasa INGGRIS, berikut informasi selengkapnya :

Dengan semakin dekatnya Penilaian tengah semester (PTS) yang akan sebentar lagi dilaksanakan tentunya Bapak/Ibu Guru sedang memerlukan Soal-soal PTS untuk dijadikan bahan ujian pada anak didiknya, terutama pada saat akan menyusun dan membuat soal tes ujian Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap, Soal PTS/UTS untuk Kelas 8 Semester 2 beserta kunci jawabannya akan admin bagikan pada akhir postingan.

Surat Edaran yang baru-baru ini di publikasikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) bahwa soal PTS Kurikulum 2013 harus memenuhi ketentuan standar soal terbaru dan harus sudah terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). Oleh karena itu sengaja admin berbagi Soal PTS dalam rangka mempermudah semua rekan-rekan guru.

Oke langsung saja untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan simak contoh soal Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap yang admin tuliskan berikut ini dari nomor 1 - 20 sebagai contoh saja dan file selengkapnya dapat di unduh pada akhir postingan:

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c,  or d !!

1. Indra is taller than Yadi. Yadi is then …. Indra.
  • A. Shorter
  • B. Better
  • C. Worse
  • D. The best

2. Donkey and horse look alike but horse is …. than donkey.
  • A. Smaller
  • B. Taller
  • C. Bigger
  • D. Longer

3. Mountain is higher than the hill. Hill is …. Than the mountain.
  • A. Lower
  • B. Bigger
  • C. Longer
  • D. Better

4. I have cotton on my left hand. On my right hand, I have stone. They have the same size but stone is …… than cotton.
  • A. Heavier
  • B. Lighter
  • C. Smaller
  • D. Bigger

5. Maman is 15 years old. Herman is 14 years old. Herman is ……. than Maman.
  • A. Older
  • B. Younger
  • C. Taller
  • D. Higher

6. My ruler is 30 cm long. Joni’s ruler is 25 cm long. Joni’s ruler is …….. than my ruler.
  • A. Longer
  • B. Higher
  • C. Shorter
  • D. Taller

7. The old car is faster than horse cat. The horse cat is ……. the old car
  • A. Higher
  • B. Taller
  • C. Slower
  • D. Shorter

8. I can lift the desk. Hasan can’t move the desk I have moved. I am …… than Hasan.
  • A. Slower
  • B. Shorter
  • C. Stronger
  • D. Weaker

9. I got 95 in English and 65 in Mathematic. I think Mathematic is ……. than English.
  • A. Easier
  • B. More difficult
  • C. Heavier
  • D. Lighter

10. Yulia: “Getting a bad mark is bad. But cheating is ……. It is not honest.”
  • A. Better
  • B. Worse
  • C. Less good
  • D. The best

11. It is a clever mammal that can solve problems and hold things in their hands. It lives in groups called troops. It eats plants, birds’ eggs, small animals, and insects. Most of them live in the forest.
The animal in the description is ….
  • A. Elephant
  • B. Monkey
  • C. Bear
  • D. Tiger

12. It has thick fur coats to protect them from the cold. Most of it lives in northern parts of the world. It is large and powerful. It has a good sense of smell. Some of it eats meat, and some of it eats honey. In winter,it finds a snug place to hibernate.
The animal in the description is
  • A. Elephant
  • B. Monkey
  • C. Bear
  • D. Tiger

13. It is the heaviest land animals. It is also intelligent and have good memories. Most of it lives in Africa and Asia, such as in Lampung, Indonesia. It uses its long trunks almost like an arm, to put food and water in their mouths. it eats grass and plants.
The animal in the description is
  • A. Elephant
  • B. Monkey
  • C. Bear
  • D. Tiger

14. It is the biggest of all cats. It lives in the grasslands and forests. Its stripped coat gives it good camoulage when they hunt. It loves meat to eat.
The animal in the description is
  • A. Elephant
  • B. Monkey
  • C. Bear
  • D. Tiger

15. It is a tame animal. It has two long ears. It eats carrot. It hops. It lives in burrows. The animal in the description is
  • A. Cat
  • B. Dog
  • C. Rabbit
  • D. Cow

16. My uncle works in the zoo. He repairs the animal cages …..
  • A. Every day
  • B. Regularly
  • C. Frequently
  • D. Every hour

17. Elephant is an animal that should need to be cleaned or washed ….
  • A. Every Sunday
  • B. Every month
  • C. Every day
  • D. Every week

18. My sister and I get up early ….
  • A. Every day
  • B. Every Sunday
  • C. Every time
  • D. Every Saturday

19. When my sister and I get up early in the morning, we also help our mother to prepare for the ….
  • A. Lunch
  • B. Breakfast
  • C. Supper
  • D. Dinner

20. Before preparing breakfast for the family, my sister and I usually do some ….
  • A. Running
  • B. Walking
  • C. Watching television
  • D. Exercise

Bagi Bapak dan Ibu Guru yang membutuhkan Soal Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap Kelas 8 Beserta Kunci Jawaban, silahkan unduh File-nya melalui link dibawah ini :

Keterangan : Apabila terdapat ketidaksesuaian pada soal-soal PTS/UTS diatas, silahkan sesuaikan dengan kebijakan sekolahnya masing-masing.

Demikian yang dapat admin sampaikan terkait informasi Soal & Jawaban PTS/UTS B INGGRIS Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013, semoga bermanfaat . . .*)

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